I was going to write after last Sunday, but I'm glad I didn't cause the things worth writing about just keep piling up. So, here are a few things that have been in my head in on my heart these last two weeks.
1. Week one of our Christmas series was INCREDIBLE!!
Paradox, we have a real gift in the creative arts team that we have. They spend hours upon hours behind the scenes each and every week to put together a space & place for us to connect with God every week. I'm not sure you understand how much goes into what they do, but they are amazing people.
2. Paradox people are amazingly generous.
The first week of December, which is not usually one of our highest giving weeks of the year, you all laid it down, & we took in double what was budgeted. A few weeks earlier we took in 3x what was budgeted for the week!! Tis the season to be tight fisted with our money because we have so much of it going out for Christmas presents. BUT NOT YOU ALL, you guys have been giving to the financial needs of Paradox with impressive generosity & faithfulness. Thank you!
3. This series is stirring good things in us all.
I have seen each week that God is moving in, through & around us as He meets us in the content of this series. We asked God to do big things this year through this Christmas series and i gotta tell you -- HE IS!!! I must also admit that even though i believed He would, there were parts of me that doubted it. Now, i feel embarrassed that i ever doubted God for anything less than His amazing presence to show up & do amazing things. Whatever you are doubting God can do in your life right now, STOP! Tom Gibson (one of our pastors on staff) said at the start of the series - "let's ask God to do such amazing things this month that He embarrasses us that we didn't ask for more". I have been praying that prayer almost very day since then. Thanks for the challenge Tom, thanks for having big faith in our huge God!
4. I love people that shout in church
If you were at Paradox this last week then you likely remember the guy that was on his way to the gym (we rent an auditorium in a recreation center for those that don't know) and stuck his head in and shouted while I was preaching, "shut these stupid doors so we don't have to hear this crap".
I gotta tell ya, that one threw me off for a minute, I think it did all of us! We could easily get upset about that & angry at his rudeness or we could think, "this is why we need our own building". BUT, I think this is exactly the reason we are in this public, rented facility. When God wanted to reveal Himself to us He CAME TO US. That's why we as a church, need to GO TO the people around us and not just have our own place and expect everyone to come to us. I love that we get to interact with people that may NEVER walk into the doors of of typical church building. Besides, a guy so angry that he shouts into a service in motion is a guy that has deep hurts (cause we all know that anger is a mask to what a person is really feeling) and in my opinion this is a guy that Jesus is attempting to touch with His love. So, let's pray that this guy is some day sitting in the seats with us, with hands held high, and worshiping Jesus is His savior. I hope you will be praying for that with me.
5. God is moving in cool ways!
Ok, last thought for now, and I saved the BEST for last! The opening week of the Christmas series, we had over a dozen people pray to give their lives to Christ. AMAZING!! and AWESOME!!! I almost didn't want to write on this one just because print could never do justice to my excitement & joy over this. I know that the journey is to become fully devoted to Jesus but, the journey can never begin until the decision to hand your life over to Him is made. Each of those people have...
- passed from life to death
- a secured a place in heaven
- a relationship with the living God
- now been forgiven of their sins
- entered the beginning stages of becoming who God made them to be
- been adopted into the family of God
I LOVE YOU Paradox but most of all, you are loved by the Lord God Almighty, His name;