Prince (aka: weird sign gun in purple) was way off on his guess of the best year to PAR-TAY!!
This week as we keep on in our series, "Deadliest Catch", we're going to look at the HOW of last week. Last week I said we are all made as followers to be spiritual fishermen, this week I'll reveal to you the secret of the how.
I know you're all so excited to hear it so hear ya go, a little sneak peak, the secret to learning how to reach people with the message and love of Jesus is to (drum roll please...)
learn how to throw better parties!
So, come & come excited & bring a pen & paper, you're going to want to write this stuff down. And if you come in a purple shirt and shout out, "I love Prince" at some point during the message, I'll walk off stage and dance on the main floor.