Last weekend I was at a wedding with my wife at the Pine Knob Mansion.
It was a beautiful setting with the sun that had just gone down, 2 good friends to accompany our walk in the warm air, and a rolling golf course to walk hand in hand on (not all 4 of us, just my wife and I, but that would have looked funny).
As we all stood overlooking one of the distant putting greens and enjoying the slow pace, the quiet evening, and the good company, we suddenly heard a sound that was not a part of the planed walk.
Or to be more specific, the underground, sprinkler system. And this is no ordinary sprinkler system, no, this system is made to water an entire golf course. So, both the amount of water it spits out, as well as the pressure with which it comes out are impressive, as long as you're not standing directly above them!!
Like my wife was
As the sprinkler and all his friends began to pop up everywhere we RAN, but it was for not, we were all wet and my wife was drenched & dripping.
As we attempted to dodged the crisscrossing fire of 40psi water, we hit the pavement and one friend slipped and fell like a kid on a slip N slide, glasses went flying, things were broken, my wife was already wet so I used her as a shield, and one friend with military training took point and lead us out like we were on a house to house raid in the streets of Baghdad.
We all laughed, helped dry each other off & made sure there were no wounds for which we needed to call in a medic.
Hey, I don't know what your weekend plans involve, but just in case they were to include a romantic, golf course, walk, I thought I'd pass on the advice.
Your welcome & see ya Sunday as we finish off our Summer long study through the book of Philippians.
At first I thought that maybe my wife was loosing bladder control at a young age, until the stream turned up and shot 25 yards in distance, and then hit me with a force that almost knocked me back.
As the sprinkler and all his friends began to pop up everywhere we RAN, but it was for not, we were all wet and my wife was drenched & dripping.
As we attempted to dodged the crisscrossing fire of 40psi water, we hit the pavement and one friend slipped and fell like a kid on a slip N slide, glasses went flying, things were broken, my wife was already wet so I used her as a shield, and one friend with military training took point and lead us out like we were on a house to house raid in the streets of Baghdad.
We all laughed, helped dry each other off & made sure there were no wounds for which we needed to call in a medic.
But we learned never to walk on the beautiful greens of a golf course at night, or you may end up in the middle of sprinkler system, Vietnam.
Hey, I don't know what your weekend plans involve, but just in case they were to include a romantic, golf course, walk, I thought I'd pass on the advice.
Your welcome & see ya Sunday as we finish off our Summer long study through the book of Philippians.