Frustrating because they were conversations in which 2 different friends came to me with 2 different "concerns" they had about me.
Difficult because I actually listened more than defended myself (a rare moment where I got it right in a conversation like this) and as I did, I realized ------- they we're right.
Who knew my secret lifestyle as an international bank robber was that big a deal!?!!?
Ok, so it wasn't anything like that but, both times were painful looks at ways I still need to grow as a man, a leader, a pastor, and a follower of Jesus.
I told my one friend that what is difficult about seeing more deeply the places that God is trying to grow you is like having a wart on your face. The thing is, you know you have a wart on your face but then someone gives you a mirror to see it and when you do your reaction is, "what the CRAP, I have a wart on my face?!"
I am well aware that I have not "arrived" but when I got a good look at this in different ways this last week, well, it was tough. Even today, I'm trying not to just say just blow it all off or down play it, but the temptation to do so is there.
I know this is why the Author of the book of Psalms once wrote,
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Sometimes these experiences happen when the living God Himself speaks to us
but sometimes He uses a friend.
The author of the book of Proverbs once wrote,
Better is open rebuke
than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
but an enemy multiplies kisses.
than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
but an enemy multiplies kisses.
I am grateful in a way I can't express today, grateful for friends that don't hide their love, but are willing to wound me to grow me. But even more, I am thankful for the love, grace & mercy of Jesus that accepts me and my brokenness and is at work to make me more & more like Jesus.
Which is in part what the apostle Paul was saying when in the book of Romans he wrote,
Which is in part what the apostle Paul was saying when in the book of Romans he wrote,
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
While talking about some of the brokenness in our own lives, and in that of some people around us the other night, my wife said to me that she is more and more aware that we are all just broken people trying to point each other to a perfect, beautiful & lovely God who fixes & heals our brokenness.
God is at work in me, God is at work in you, God is at work in us.
While talking about some of the brokenness in our own lives, and in that of some people around us the other night, my wife said to me that she is more and more aware that we are all just broken people trying to point each other to a perfect, beautiful & lovely God who fixes & heals our brokenness.
I know we have all had people in our lives that have tried at times to challenge us, and "help" us, and yet have only hurt us. I realize that not every person that thinks they have the right to tell you how to grow or change, in fact has that right. Sometimes, some of the people that think they know us the best know us the least, and our heart needs to be guarded from them.
Even Jesus had to be smart about who He allowed to get close to Him & have access to His heart. It's in part why the book of John says of Jesus,
Some of us have entrusted our hearts to people that we should not have, to people that have abused our hearts, and we learned then to guard our hearts. But sometimes it's easier to just guard your heart from everyone than to try to figure out who you CAN entrust your heart to.
I will write more on this subject throughout the week. In part two I want to discuss how to know who this person should be & what signs to look for in a friend that you can trust with the keys to your heart.
Today, I am thankful for Jesus who is active in me & actively shaping me, and I am thankful for friends who are invested in that journey with me.
Even Jesus had to be smart about who He allowed to get close to Him & have access to His heart. It's in part why the book of John says of Jesus,
But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men.
Some of us have entrusted our hearts to people that we should not have, to people that have abused our hearts, and we learned then to guard our hearts. But sometimes it's easier to just guard your heart from everyone than to try to figure out who you CAN entrust your heart to.
To who have you given the permission to hurt you with words & challenges you need to hear. To who have you given that right, and to who have you given that trust?
I will write more on this subject throughout the week. In part two I want to discuss how to know who this person should be & what signs to look for in a friend that you can trust with the keys to your heart.
Today, I am thankful for Jesus who is active in me & actively shaping me, and I am thankful for friends who are invested in that journey with me.
Broken people, loving broken people & pointing each other towards our beautiful Jesus.
** If you'd like to read the passages I quoted and study this more then see,
- Psalms 139
- Romans 8
- Proverbs 27
- John 2