Now, if you know me then you know I can't stand cats, but I did fight off the strong desire to jerk the wheel into the little, black, plague of fur.
Although, as I got closer, the dumb thing actually walked to the side of the road, staring at me. Then while I drove past it pushed it's back up & hissed like the devil at me.
Now there are several theories I have created as to what was happening.
1. The cat saw my black van as a larger cat and wanted to UFC me.
2. The cat saw my black van as a bigger, sweet looking chick cat & wanted to something else me.
3. Cats are actually possessed by the devil and it saw mt Paradox bumper sticker & got mad. (I don't actually have a Paradox bumper sticker because my wife is a horrible driver - j/k ;)
4. I spent too much time developing theories and should have just run the thing over. Oh, wait, that's not a theory, that's my regret!
Oh well, either way that had to be the bravest cat I have ever seen & just may be the bravest thing I see all day today.
Maybe I should turn this into a super, spiritual, post now about how we need to have the courage of that cat; courage to stare into the face of what frightens us, no matter the odds. Or maybe I should just conclude that I've always been right that cats, while seeming intelligent with their arrogant stares, are in fact incredibly, unintelligent animals.
Any way, I thought I'd share.
Big news brewing for Paradox right now; another God moment that I'm excited to share soon.
In an area and in an economic time that offers more fear than courage, and more uncertainty than hope, it would be easy to just give up the dream of building an unstoppable force, reaching our city for Jesus. But, I see God doing some unexpected things, some exciting things & so I'm staring & hissing at the fear. This is OUR city, not depression's, not fear's. This city does not belong to Hopelessness & it does NOT belong to the enemy of God. Greater things are yet to come!
In an area and in an economic time that offers more fear than courage, and more uncertainty than hope, it would be easy to just give up the dream of building an unstoppable force, reaching our city for Jesus. But, I see God doing some unexpected things, some exciting things & so I'm staring & hissing at the fear. This is OUR city, not depression's, not fear's. This city does not belong to Hopelessness & it does NOT belong to the enemy of God. Greater things are yet to come!