Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On The Road

So right now I'm in the van, on the road, and headed to Atlanta with 6 other people from Paradox.
Tom is driving and taking the curves a little fast -- ok, he's freaking me out right now!!

If he doesn't slow down I just might start screaming like a little girl or spill my hot coffee on him. But that will likely result in a crash so it looks like screaming is my only real option.

Today is day 3 of our Live Fest Project and here is your assignment today.

Guerrilla lovers, Love Fest 2010 assignment # 3

Today I want you to take second place all day (or maybe even 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...). We are so inclined to be first at everything. Whether it's first in line, grabbing the closest parking spot, not letting the guy over who is trying to change lanes, quicker to walk through a door than to hold the door for someone else, grabbing the last of what you were eating instead of asking if anyone else wanted it; getting the idea!

So today, choose all day, at every opportunity, to put someone else ahead of yourself.

And if by chance some one asks you, "why", or even just says, "thanks", just smile and tell them, "love wins, God bless".

Don't forget to start telling us you stories at,