Monday, October 18, 2010

Kicking It Old School

Yesterday I was driving home from Chruch with my 2 three year old daughters in the car when they starting saying to me dad, "we're kicking it old school".

There was a song they sang yesterday that said that in it and so they sang it most of the rest of the day -- HALLARIOUS!!

Well, for today's guerilla assignment I want us to all kick it old school. In the Bible, in the Old Testament book of 1Thessalonians we are told to regulary encourage eachother. Verse 11 of chapter 5 says...

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing".

So, not only are we told to encourage eachother but there is an unmistakable link between our growing / being "built up" AND the levels and amount of encouragement we get / give to eachother.

We downplay the POWER of our words way to much.

Your assignment today is to send a note, email, phone call (u get the idea) of encouagment to someone else in our church. We all need to be more aware of the power we hold to BLESS eachother with our words, so use the power of ur words today to bless and build someone at Paradox.