Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Whole World Is Getting Married

I'm willing to admit that that might be a slight exaggeration, but it feels like it!

This week 4 of my days will be filled with preparation for three coming weddings, and over the next month I have 4 ceremonies that I will be performing. Soooo, this is going to be a bit of a crazy week for my schedule (actually a crazy month).

Then tonight is practice # 1 for the soccer team that I am helping coach. It's my first time coaching an organized sport and my son's first time playing an organized sport, we're both pretty dang excited. The only problem is that, the other guy that is helping coach the team has never done it before either so, this might turn out to be the bad news bears of soccer, but we're going to have fun!

This Sunday at Paradox is a serve Sunday which means that our "service" will be serving, so make sure NOT to miss this week.

So, there ya go, not that you asked about my week but now you know.

By the way, if you missed this last Sunday at Paradox -- WOW!! Tom did an incredible job and who knew Drew-P could sing like Christ Martin (Coldplay), and then there was the ninja performance with the glowing balls - you should have been there. Paradox is is so lucky to have the creative team and peeps that we do; they are all amazing.