Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Hate Waiting

And I suspect so do you.

And I mean REAL waiting, not like waiting for the line at the gas pump to move out of your way, or the drive thru line at DQ to move faster, or for the new version of Call Of Duty to come out, or waiting for your son to get off the crapper - who's taking forever - because he's reading the comics (wonder where he gets that from) but real waiting.

Waiting for the right person to come along, waiting for the pregnancy test to read positive, waiting for your child to finely turn away form the things and habits that are killing them. Waiting for the doctor to say, "I don't know how it happened but it's gone", or waiting for the interview that ends with, "welcome to the company", or waiting for the friend or family member to stop running FROM Jesus and begin to run TO Him.

I'm sure the list could go on but you get the idea.

In the Old Testament book of Daniel, in chapter 10 there is an account of a time an angel came and talked to Daniel about some waiting he would be doing. Daniel was actually given a vision of something that was to come but it was made clear to him in verse 1 that, "the message was true but the appointed time was long".

Did I mention to you yet just how much I hate waiting!!

But this isn't the first time in the Bible where we see that God just operates on a different time table than we seem to.

I wonder what things you've "seen", things that you just strongly feel or felt at one point that God was going to do but now, you're not so sure anymore. Maybe you need to be reminded like I needed to this morning, that sometimes, God's slowness in response can not be mistaken for a lack of response. May we all stand firm in patience, and rest with comfort in His arms as we wait.

Today I'll be visiting Tom & Jenna in the hospital, working on stuff for Sunday, & meeting with a few of our key leaders at Paradox. I'd love to have you pray for me as I work on how to kick this series off this weekend, I have now scraped and restarted several times, which is not normal for me. This study we'll be doing through Philippians is a message we all need, but one I am personally wrestling with; having true joy in ALL situations because our joy is all in and only in, Jesus.