This morning I have a leadership seminar to attend that will take most of the day.
Sooo, I thought i'd share some quick advice this morning that will enrich your life.
Watch the show Wipeout!
If you've not heard of wipeout then either you have no TV, or no real taste in quality television programming. So, this morning I want to selflessly serve you by sharing with you my great wisdom & thus add to the quality of your life ---- your welcome!
I'm not kidding, my son & I have never laughed so hard together, even my two, little, 3 year old, girls were laughing.
If you don't like the show then I'll refund your money, but suggest you use it for counseling though because there might be something seriously wrong with you.
I love that our God gave us laughter! I pray your day is filled with the presence & laughter of God & I pray I'll stay awake during this all day seminar.