A few nights ago I went to bed earlier than my wife because she was watching some hallmark channel, movie that interested me as much a Barney and Friends marathon.
Now, we have a routine when we go to bed, like you all do I'm sure. Our routine includes, checking the kids one last time & re-tucking their blankets, brushing teeth, checking doors to make sure they're locked, turning the heat down, & finally turning on the night-lite upstairs. See, our hallway upstairs is as black as night, & you can't see a thing, well, expect, the night-lite.
Now, that night-lite becomes the focus of many bed time disagreements between my wife & I.
I HATE it.
When I sleep I want it totally dark, but she is not at all bothered by it's annoying glow. So, the compromise is usually that just before crawling into bed, one of us shuts the bathroom door (where the lite is plugged in) enough that it blocks most of the glow. Well, I decided the other night to just turn it off all together, and I figured by the time she came up & turned it on, I'd be fast asleep and wouldn't care.
Sounded good in theory.
BUT, I threw in another new element to our routine; I completely shut the door to our bedroom. We NEVER shut the door to our bedroom.
I'm still not even sure why I did but I do know that I expected my wife to go to the bathroom before the bedroom that night; well, she didn't.
Remember the whole "black as night" thing.
I did in fact fall asleep like expected, until my wife's face and our bedroom door had a passionate collision!! She ran into the door (thinking it was open) with FULL FORCE.
I think she even woke the neighbors.
It took me a minute to realize what happened as I woke to a bang, & the sound of my wife crying and laughing all at the same time. The laughing part was encouraging, because it meant that there was a good chance I'd at least survive the beating I was about to get.
Quickly the laughing replaced the crying all together, and then both of us laid there for 15 minutes in bed laughing almost hysterically.
It's safe to say that what my wife EXPECTED and what she EXPERIENCED were different that night. Thankfully we laughed it off in the end.
But what do we do when in our marriages the expectations and the experiences are more serious, and far more different, maybe even opposites.
This Sunday we continue on in our series, "Fighting For Your Marriage". This week we will look at the secret to dealing with the gap between what we expect in our marriages, and what we often experiencing.
You don't wanna miss!
See ya Sunday.